What is my Unique Patient Identifier (UPI)?

Your Provider Medical Record Number (MRN) is your UPI.

What information do I need to create my account?

The following information is needed:

  • Provider Medical Record Number (to be used as your UPI when creating your account)
  • Date of birth
  • Name
  • Email
  • Telephone number

I made a mistake when I created my account. What can I do to fix it?

Please contact support@metisgenetics.com if you need to make any changes to your account.

I forgot my password. What do I do?

Click the “Forgot password” on the login page and enter the email you entered when creating your account. If an account exists for the email entered, you will receive an email from Metis Genetics with instructions for resetting your password.

How can I contact Metis Genetics for further assistance?

Please email Metis Support at support@metisgenetics.com or call 1-844-463-8474 if you need further support. Please include your medical record number for prompt service.